Quality Standard
Leache Chem is committed to provide customers with products and services meeting all specifications and fulfilling customer needs and expectations. The highest priority and emphasis is placed on the integrity of our products, their safe manufacture and distribution and the compliance with environmental and other relevant regulations.
To achieve these goals, Leache Chemoperates local quality management systems which comply with internal policies as well as with national and international standards (e.g. ISO) and regulations . The fundamental elements of these systems are continuously undergoing improvement.
Civil Society
Making profit is not the only mission or responsibility of Leache Chem Environ-Tech. We believe that the corporate success is directly bound up with the social health, harmony and welfare; Leache ChemEnviron-Tech is committed to accepting responsibility for all stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, communities, suppliers and natural environment.
We strive to combine our routine business practice, operation and policies with basic social values to care for the disadvantaged, protect environment and facilitate the sustainable development of the society.
To achieve these goals, Leache Chemoperates local quality management systems which comply with internal policies as well as with national and international standards (e.g. ISO) and regulations . The fundamental elements of these systems are continuously undergoing improvement.

Sustainable Development
Strengthening the present in order to secure the future, to the benefit and advantage of our stakeholders and customers – that sums up our approach: Careful usage of natural resources, backed by comprehensive, far-sighted risk management in the area of safety, security, health and environmental protection.
Our actions, on a global scale, take into account the effects on the environment, an economy worth to be worked for and a society proud of its liberal values. The endeavours we embark on today should not compromise the well-being of the generations to come.
Health Theory
The company complies strictly with laws and regulations and relevant requirements in the process of productive operations and work activities which can only be carried out under the premise of the personal and environmental safety. Also the company is committed to the continuous improvement of the workplace environment, the reduction, elimination and control of risks related to work activities; besides, with the collective participation of the staff members, Leache Chem makes vigorous efforts to environmental protection, energy conservation and emission reduction, and prevents occupational health and safety accidents and relevant losses and implements effectively its social responsibilities. To above ends, the company makes following solemn commitments:
Environmental protection and occupational safety are always regarded by the company as one of the priorities for the production and business activities; the company management and grassroots staff members will constantly struggle for the improvement of EHS management level.

We will strictly comply with the national laws, regulations and relevant criteria in a responsible manner to create a healthy, safe and harmonious environment.
We will appropriately identify, detect and assess risks of work activities that may pose adverse impacts on the staff, the contractors or the public so as to control hazards and reduce the health and safety risks to a minimum by taking adequate protective measures or programs; also we will be dedicated to environmental protection to minimize the negative impacts of the operation and work execution on the environment.
In the case of emergency, a rapid, effective and prudent response will be made to deal with the accident through active cooperation with the industry organizations and governmental organs.
EHS awareness of the employees and EHS management level of the company will be improved by offering EHS professional training to the staff members and implementing and supervising EHS activities. EHS management system will be actively implemented and perfected to achieve constant improvement of EHS management.
Above commitments are applicable to all staff members, suppliers and contractors of Leache Chem worldwide and all other persons related to the company’s project operation.